  • Where is Malaysia?
    Unfortunately Malaysia having only one event, breaks things. It may get fixed one day. Or maybe when it gets 4 events it will start working again.
  • Where are my results?
    If you have opted out of age or gender based records, we respect your choice to privacy and have removed your results from the leaderboard.
  • Where are my results? I've done more than N events this year.
    Only people who have run sufficient events to be on the all time leaderboard will appear on the yearly board.
  • Where are my results? I've done country X or Y and it's not showing.
  • How do I contact you?
    Facebook or Github is best.
  • How often will this update?
    Parkrun is doing some interesting things by optionally giving volunteers credit for cancelled events. A better solution is to create a unique parkrun (call it cancellations) and assign volunteer credit to that. Instead they do this difficult dance of incrementing the result and then rolling it back the week after. Sounds very manual.
    So if that gets worse, the backend scripts will keep breaking. If that calms down, probably every Sunday at noon GMT.
  • Can I buy you a coffee/beer/become a patron/subscribe to help cover the costs of running the site?
    No one has ever asked this. But if there is a spare room in British Columbia or Alberta, that would be welcomed.
  • There is an error in a region
    If you have the skills to fix it, great. Submit an issue on github with the solution.
  • There is an error in my number of events
    Probably. But historically, the leaderboard aligns with the numbers from running challenges (Google Chrome or Firefox plugin) and the parkrunner was wrong.
  • Why are the closed events not included?
    Just because you've been parkrunning for several years longer than others, doesn't mean you automatically get to keep your position. The leaderboard will be achievable by anyone, no matter when they started. To do this, closed events don't count.
  • Why did my position in the previous year change?
    In theory a closed event will subsequently change your rankings for a previous year.
  • Junior Events?